Agile Part 1

Agile Model


Agile is an  incremental and iterative approach where customer always change the requirement, company should be flexible to take up the requirement changes, develop the software, test the software and give quality software to the customer, within short span of time.
    In Agile there will be very good communication between customer, business analyst, developer and test engineer so that we can directly interact with the customer, get the feedback from the customer, develop and test changes and we can give quality software within short span of time.

Main Goal of Agile

Main goal of agile is customer satisfaction through quick deliver/release of working piece of a software.

What are the principles or advantages of Agile ?

  1. Customer can change the requirement at anytime of development stage.
  2. Our highest priority is customer satisfaction through quick delivery of working piece of a software.
  3. Release should be very short.
  4. There will be very good communication between developer, test engineer, business analyst and customers.
  5. It is a simple model to adapt.
  6. There will be continuous meetings between developer, test engineer, business analyst and customer to improve the quality of the product.

What is Agile Testing ?

Testing the software by following the principles of agile is called as agile testing.

Types of Agile Model or Agile Process ?

  1. Scrum
  2. Extreme Programming 
  3. Crystal Clear
  5. Feature Driven Development (FDD)
  6. Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM)
  7. Additive Software Development (ASD)

Disadvantages of Agile model ?

  1. For complex and big project it will be difficult to do the effort estimation.
  2. Less scope for design and documentation.
  3. If customers are not clear about the requirement changes then we might mess up the project.
  4. Experience resources should be present in the project.

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