Functional Testing

Functional Testing


Testing each and every component of an application throughly or regorously  against customer requirement specification is called as Functional Testing.

This is how you can test an application using Test Scenario

Test Fields, Test Area Fields, Button, Link, Dropdown, Radio Button, Check Box, Major Tabs, Minor Tabs, Scroll bar, Calendar Widget, Next or read(array) Button and Icon.

Here test engineer will enter all possible scenarios / inputs (+ve/-Ve) for every component against customer requirement specifications is called as throughly / through testing.

Test Engineer will start doing functional testing while doing functional testing we have to follow below mentioned principals.

Rule 1: First always we should do positive functional testing and then only we should do negative functional testing.

Rule 2: If the application is working for valid data then only test for invalid data. Suppose if application is not working for valid data then don't test for invalid data.

Rule 3: If application is not working for one of the invalid data don't stop testing continue and test form some more invalid values and try to find more defects.

Rule 4: As a test engineer you are not suppose to assume or propose any requirements if you have any doubts or confusion in the requirement talk to business analyst / senior developer / senior test engineer and get the doubts clarified.

Rule 5: You should always do optimized functional testing.

Types of Functional Testing

1.Over Testing / Exhaustive Testing: Testing each and every component of an application by entering same input in different ways is called over testing.
Testing each and every component of an application by entering data which doesn't make any sense is called over testing or exhaustive testing.

Eg: If we are testing a text box for numbers then we will enter 1, 10, 100,1000 like this way we will test the text box but in over testing means I am entering 1, 2, 3, 4,5 .There is no point of entering same number of digit again and again because if it is accepting number 1 then it will obviously accept 2 or 3. So this is called over testing.

   Time taken is more.

2.Under Testing: Testing each and every component of an application by entering in sufficient set of inputs or data is called under testing.

Eg: Test a textbox with the input with 1, 100, 1000 like this way this is called under testing. Because we also have to test for blank space, combinations on number and alphabets etc

  1. Test Engineer will miss lot of scenarios / inputs.
  2. Test Engineer will miss lot of defects.
3.Optimized Testing: Testing each and every components of an application by entering data which make sense is called as optimized testing.

Eg: Test a text box with sufficient no of inputs like testing numbers , alphabets, special characters and also combination of number with alphabet and special characters like (1, 100, asd, !@#, A!, A1, !1, A!1).

  1. Time is not wasted.
  2. No duplicates
  3. Test Engineer will not miss any scenario.
  4. Test Engineer will not miss defect.

Types of Optimized Testing:

  1. Positive Testing: Testing each ad every component of an application by entering valid or expected data which is according to the customer requirement is called positive testing.
  2. Negative Testing: Testing each and every component of an application by entering invalid or unexpected data which is not according to the customer requirement is called negative testing.

How to write test scenario ?

Component Name: Name Text Field
  1. To  check that 'Name' Text field should accept only alphabets.
  2. To check that 'Name' Text field should accept alphabet with space.
  3. To check that 'Name' Text field should accept less than 32 character.
  4. To check that 'Name' Text field should accept upper and lower case alphabets.
  5. To check that 'Name' Text field should accept blank.

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